

Lead Agency    National Disaster Manangement Office (NDMO) 
Chair   Shadrack Welegtabit

The intercluster meeting is having all the cluster leads and co-leads around the table for each of them to give their work updates. It is an opportunity for staff within NGO or even Government Line agency to know what cluster is doing what, where and in what quantity. Intercluster meetings are important for strategic and operational planning, coordination implementation, progress monitoring as well as to know the standards and guidelines of each cluster.  

The intercluster meeting is chaired by the NDMO Director and secretariat comes from the same office and supported by VHT.

  • Shadrack Welegtabit (Director NDMO)
  • Kaiser Relvie (Director VHT)
  • Grayleen Lapi (VHT Coordinator)


Inter-cluster meeting minutes