Health & Nutrition Cluster

Health & Nutrition Cluster

 Lead   Ministry of Health
 Co-lead   WHO

The Ministry of Health (MoH) is the lead of the Health and Nutrition cluster. The World Health Organisation is the co-lead and supports the Ministry of Health to strengthen existing health systems and to ensure that government priorities are being followed. The Health Cluster serves as a mechanism for national and international organisations to work together in partnership to harmonise efforts and to use available resources efficiently.

The overall goal of the Health and Nutrition cluster is to reduce mortality and morbidity, and restore the delivery of preventive and curative health care as quickly as possible in an equitable, sustainable manner.

The objectives of the Health and Nutrition cluster are;

  • To ensure that humanitarian health needs are identified and responded to appropriately
  • To work in partnership and harmonise efforts, using available resources efficiently
  • To effectively co-ordinate and collaborate with the MoH and other health partners
  • To liaise and consult with the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and other cluster partners
  • To undertake a needs assessment and analysis when required on the availability of health resources and services
  • To facilitate implementation of any health cluster strategic plans or response plans, building on strengthening the overall health system