
72-Hour Assessment Tool Workshop

A concern during the sudden onset of a disaster is whether or not there is enough information about the most impacted areas. Thankfully an emergency preparedness and response tool looks at this specific situation and is able to address such emergency preparedness issues. The 72-hour Assessment tool workshop happened from the 3 – 4 March and enabled participants to have a better understanding of relevant information and key players during the sudden onset of disasters. The workshop funded by the Government of Japan and facilitated by the World Food Programme with support from the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) brought a range of local food security cluster stakeholders together. The 72-hour approach as it is informally known looks at 3 phases of information management during the emergency management cycle being Data preparedness, Initial Assessment and Data Validation. The workshop had a keen focus on food security and ensuring clear communication between ministries and agencies that collect demographic and livelihood information related emergency management.