
Disability advocacy for cyclone season

National Coordinator for Vanuatu - Disability Promotion & Advocacy Association (DPA), Ms Nelly Caleb appeals to parents, care givers or family relatives and community at large to take good care of people with disabilities during this cyclone season. “DPA has received stories in the past where people with disabilities lack necessary assistance when it comes to disaster strike thus DPA is appealing to everyone to assist people with disabilities during disasters,” stated Ms Caleb. She added that during disasters and emergency situations people with disabilities may need additional assistance to obtain the services they need and it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure people with disabilities receive this additional assistance.

 DPA reminds everyone on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities, article 10 which talks about Right to Life and article 11 on situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies. Article 10 stated that countries are to make sure people with disability enjoy the right to life which every human being has and also article 11 thus stresses that countries are to do what is necessary to make sure people with disability are safe and protected in emergency situations, like fires, floods and other natural disasters, war and other large scale emergencies.

 Ms Caleb is also appealing to every stake holders and communities, to continue to include people with disabilities in decision making and every aspect of development in our societies and most importantly allow them to participate in this developments. 

As National Coordinator for Vanuatu - Disability Promotion & Advocacy Association (DPA), Ms Nelly Caleb would like to take this opportunity also to wish people with disabilities throughout Vanuatu a prosperous New Year 2017.  “This year will be a very busy year for DPA as we work with our donor partners to continue the work for advocacy in our Nation and with upcoming projects, 2017 is the year of growth and success in the community of disability in our country,” says Ms Caleb . She acknowledges the government, partners and community at large for the past collaborations with DPA and added that DPA looks forward for similar or more collaboration throughout 2017 and the future.

 DPA is a charitable national organization in Vanuatu working towards advancing the rights of people with disability in Vanuatu. 

For more information on advocating for People with Disability, please follow this link.

-Source: Disability Promotion & Advocacy Association - Luganville, SANMA Province.