

Cyclone Support Plan 2016-2017

It is a plan that details the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery arrangements in the event of a cyclone impacting on the Republic of Vanuatu. This plan clearly states out the guidelines and information to all responding agencies on what needs to be done in coordinated planning during a cyclone in line with the National Disaster Management Act NO 31 of 2000 and the Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan 2006-2016. 

Vanuatu is the world’s most at risk country for natural hazards, according to a UN University World Risk Index. A proof to that study result is the passage of devastating Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Pam (TC Pam) in March 2015 where numbers of lessons learned have been raised and discussed amongst humanitarian bodies as recommendations and way forward. 

Torba Province 2016

 On March 13th 2015, Vanuatu was hit by a category-5 cyclone (Tropical Cyclone PAM) that struck half of the country and caused heavy damage. This event revived public awareness of necessity of cyclone preparedness and action on climate change. Seasonal variation in rainfall is fairly high, with the dryer months occurring from June through September. This dry period coincides with the cooler months. Tropical cyclones usually occur in the warmer months, November through April.Torba Province is also vulnerable respectively to anomalously long dry spells and prolonged wet conditions  associated with the El Niño (warm phase) and La Niña (cool phase) of the El Niño- Southern Oscillation phenomenon. Recently in 2015/2016, Torba Province has been affected by El Niño drought, resulting in shortage of water and food. Torba is also highly vulnerable to otherextreme climate events including storm surges, coastal, river flooding and landslides. Sea level is rising by over 6mm per year across the province and ocean acidification is occurring as well as yearly coral bleaching events. These climate related impacts are causing food insecurity and other livelihoods issues throughout TORBA.

El Nino Response 2016

El Nino period for 2016 has been very challenging for the  National government as more emphaize and effort has put into continous response to several humanitarian needs through -out the country . More effort was place on adressing the water shortage issues and logistical support to affected areas . National Disaster Managment Office in collaboration with WASH cluster have purchased large quantity of polytanks for temporary measures to address the water shortage issue across the affected islands  through out the selected provinces in particular Penama,Tafea,Malampa and Shefa .  

Community Disaster Assessment Workshop

The purpose of this 3 day training held between the 27-29 September 2016 was to launch the new NDMO first community assessment form and accompanying guidelines and inform key stakeholders of the revised community assessment process and build capacity of key provincial and national personnel to;

  • Support communities, chiefs, area councils to undertake this process
  • Understand roles and responsibilities in collecting, consolidating, analysing and reporting on community assessment information during times of disaster at community and provincial levels.