Education Cluster

Education Cluster

 Lead   Ministry of Education
 Co-lead   Save the Children

 The Education Cluster is expected to strengthen the humanitarian response to education in emergencies by demanding high standards of predictability, accountability and partnership.For the education sector, leadership and coordination should be considered based on the scale of disaster or emergency. These are to be fully articulated in the MoET CSS and EiE Policy (in development, 2016). For example :

  • For small disasters, response is led by school principals and the local village authorities
  • For medium disasters, response is led by provincial authorities building upon local  capacities
  • For large scale disasters, response is led national or provincial authorities with support from partners
  • For extraordinary disasters, response is led by national authorities who may also call upon international support, in this case the Education Cluster may activate.
  • In all cases, including for any disasters or specific to the education sector, the Ministry of Education has lead responsibility in all the education sector.  
 Aims and Objectives
  1. All interventions will be in line with the principles of the National Education in Emergency Policy (2013-2017) and meet national education standards. The work will contribute the work of the National Disaster Management Plan, the regional Pacific Humanitarian Team, and the Pacific Coalition for School Safety.

  2. The purpose of the Sub-Committee is to advocate for, support and enable the protection of children's rights to safety and survival and to educational continuity in Vanuatu.

  3. The Sub-Committee seeks to support the education sector in Vanuatu, resulting in measurable progress towards the goals of Comprehensive School Safety namely:

    • To protect learners and education workers from death, injury, and harm in schools.
    • To plan for educational continuity in the face of expected hazards and threats.
    • To safeguard education sector investments.
    • To strengthen risk reduction and resilience through education.


  4. The Sub-Committee seeks to gather and share information consistently through mechanisms such as:

    • Updating Vanuatu Education Sector Snapshot for Comprehensive School Safety and Education in Emergencies every 2 years.
    • Ongoing mapping of partner contributions to disaster risk management in the education sector through the MoET DRM/EiE Coordinator.
    • Support for development of MoE's EMIS to monitor disaster and hazardimpacts on education, and progress towards targets and indicators for Comprehensive School SafetyNational CSS/EiE Prioritization Workshop to be held every 2 years.
    • Linking with regional strategies of UN agencies, donors, Global Partnership for Education, and other regional bodies